Foto: David Ausserhofer
Lilo Berg
Science Journalist
I have been a science journalist ever since I finished my M.A. in German language and literature and psychology. With the increasing public interest in science (think of the cloned sheep Dolly but also the increasing role of academic professions in our society) many newspapers started special science sections. I have had the opportunity to create and direct science editorial offices of leading German newspapers, most recently as a managing editor of the Berliner Zeitung. I have produced thousands of science pages. I have trained generations of young journalists and have hired co-workers who now represent my network of excellent journalists all over Germany.
I am fascinated by the worlds of science and research, of education, health and health care. My spectrum covers many fields ranging from astronomy and archeology to zoology, my focus is in medicine and the life sciences. I have access to leading experts in education, medicine, science and science policy. Numerous research journeys in leading science nations provide me with an international perspective.
In addition to a wealth of newspaper contributions, I have authored and co-authored a number of books. I have prepared and moderated various formats of public events, and I have taught science journalisms at universities and schools of journalism for many years.
In 2013 I started with Lilo Berg Media. Publishing, moderating, counseling – that is what I do.