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  • October 10, 2019

    Festive event of the Foundation Rufzeichen Gesundheit

    Laudatio on the winners of the media award of the Foundation Rufzeichen Gesundheit!, Alexandra Kraft (Stern) and Solveig Flörke (WDR) in Baierbrunn near Munich.

  • October 16, 2018

    Annual convention of the German Academy of Science and Engineering

    Moderation of the award ceremony of the journalist prize “Punkt” to Helga Rietz-Pankoke (NZZ) and Wolfgang Richter (Geo). The event was hosted by the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech in the Konzerthaus Berlin.

  • October 18, 2018

    Panel discussion “What Germans think about technology”

    Germans are sceptical when it comes to ensuring a better future with technology, but they use certain applications with enthusiasm and are interested in new developments. These are results of the representative survey “TechnikRadar 2018”. After a presentation of the multifaceted outcomes, I will moderate a public discussion with experts from research and politics at the Körber Foundation, Kehrwieder 12, 20457 Hamburg.

    On the special topic of “Older People and Technology”, I interviewed the head of the study, Professor Cordula Kropp

  • September 6, 2018

    Talk with the author “On the Art of Delivering Bad News Well”

    Public reading and conversation with Professor Jalid Sehouli, Director of the Clinic for Gynaecology at the Charité, about his new book on doctor-patient communication in difficult situations. The event is part of the Berlin International Literature Festival (Institut Français, Kurfürstendamm 211, Berlin-Charlottenburg; start: 7 pm).

  • July 25, 2018

    Panel discussion “Our Future in Science”

    What are the prospects for the next generation of scientists? Experts from research, politics and science communication will discuss this question during a conference hosted by doctoral students from several Helmholtz Centres. The conference “Helmholtz goes Digital” takes place at the Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ) in Potsdam.

  • June 13, 2018

    Hildegard-Hamm-Brücher-Förderpreis for democracy learning and experience

    I will moderate the award ceremony for the chairman of the EKD, Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, and two school projects from the competition “Demokratisch handeln – Gesagt. Getan 2017” at KörberForum Hamburg, Kehrwieder 12, 20457 Hamburg.

  • 25 May 2018

    TechnikRadar – What Germans think about technology

    I will moderate the presentation of the results and discussion of a new survey study on attitudes and wishes, hopes and fears among the population regarding new technologies. Organisers are the German Academy of Engineering Sciences acatech and the Körber Foundation. Place: Berlin, Humboldt-Carré, Behrenstrasse 42, 10117 Berlin

  • 26 April 2018

    Quality Criteria and Appointments in the Engineering Sciences

    In Berlin I will moderate the closing event with discussion on a project of the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech. The focus is on recommendations to strengthen the exchange between science and industry.

  • 24 April 2018

    Book Premiere “America on the Couch”

    Panel discussion with the US psychiatrist Allen Frances, whose analysis of the Trump Age was recently published in German, followed by a discussion with the audience. The event takes place in the Kulturbrauerei (Maschinenhaus), Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin.

  • April 23, 2018

    Science Journalism in Germany

    Lecture and discussion on the development and current situation of German science journalism. Event at the Goethe-Institut Berlin for Egyptian journalists coming to Germany following an invitation of the Goethe-Institut Cairo.

  • 26-30 October 2017

    World Conference of Science Journalists

    At the end of October, more than a thousand science journalists from all over the world will gather in San Francisco to discuss current topics. I moderate an event on new therapies for cancer patients, inform myself about trends in science and journalism and collect material for future articles. More at:

  • October 10, 2017

    Blue Mining – Towards sustainable deep sea mining

    In Aachen I present the final workshop of the EU project “Blue Mining”. It is about the mining of mineral raw materials in the deep sea. Engineers, scientists and economists discuss the following questions: Do we need deep-sea mining? And how can it be made sustainable?

  • October 5, 2017

    Digital Media – Analogue Realities

    This symposium in Berlin is focused on the digitalisation of the health and care professions. I guide the audience through the program and moderate a panel discussion with leading experts. The conference is organised by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Information and registration:

  • September 8-16, 2017

    International Literature Festival Berlin

    In the series “Reading the Currents”, I present several readings and discussions with marine researchers and authors who have written fascinating stories about the oceans. Eight evenings are devoted to currents and desires, mermaids, islands and coral reefs, refugee boats and luxury liners, turtles, plastic waste and climate change – and much more. The readings and discussions are part of the German Year of Science “Seas and Oceans 2016*17″. They take place in a very athmospheric place called Buchhändlerkeller, Carmerstraße 1 in 10623 Berlin-Charlottenburg; admission is free of charge. Programmes for download as pdf: 17th International Literature Festival Berlin and Reading the Currents

  • September 12, 2017

    International Literature Festival Berlin

    The Berlin neuroscientist John-Dylan Haynes (Charité, NeuroCure Excellence Cluster) explains the language of the brain in his lecture. Afterwards I discuss with him and the audience about consciousness, art and subjectivity. The event is part of the “Science and the Humanities” programme at the Berlin Literature Festival. Further information online.

  • September 8, 2017

    Round Table Radiotherapy

    “Defeating cancer. Protecting patients” – this is the title of a meeting of leading cancer physicians, patients and media representatives in Berlin. I moderate the lecture and discussion event on the new possibilities of radiation therapy in cancer treatment. The event is organized by the German Society for Radiooncology.